Girringun is the name of the ancestral creator of the Warangnu, Jirrbal, Warrgamay and Girramay people.
This ancestral creator is responsible for
the marriage and hunting lore.

Girringun Aboriginal Corporation is located at Cardwell, half-way between Townsville and Cairns in north-Queensland. The corporation represents the interests of traditional owners from nine tribal groups: Bandjin, Djiru, Girramay, Gugu Badhun, Gulnay, Jirrbal, Nywaigi, Warrgamay and Warungnu.
The corporation has over 750 members, with the governing body comprising two representatives elected from each of the nine tribal groups. Girringun’s vision is to provide sustainable outcomes for its members and the community at large while maintaining and caring for the land and preserving their culture and traditions.
Girringun Aboriginal Corporation has been active in the north-Queensland community since its incorporation in 1996, contributing significantly to the advancement of Indigenous affairs. Girringun was instrumental in negotiating better land and sea management outcomes, in the process, laying the foundations for other traditional owner groups looking to do the same. The successful development of Australia’s first Traditional Use of Marine Resources Agreement is one such example of Girringun in action.
Girringun Aboriginal Corporation was influential in the Queensland Government decision to rename Lumholz National Park. After almost a decade of negotiating with the government, the park was renamed Girringun National Park in 2003 in recognition of the connection that the nine tribes of Girringun have with the land.
The corporation is helping to preserve the cultural heritage of the traditional owners by nourishing the talents of their artists and artisans. The many talented artists of Girringun, including weavers, jewellery makers, painters and sculpters, exhibit their artworks at Girringun Arts centre. These artists are passing traditional skills to the next generation of artists and also generating an income stream for the corporation.
"At the heart of Girringun’s work is keeping the knowledge and culture of the old people alive among the younger generations."
- The Guardian
Our Mission
Pursue and work toward social justice outcomes to enhance the Traditional Owner’s quality of life and the building of strong and healthy represented communities.

Our Vision
Pursue the revitalisation and continuance of traditional languages particularly is so far as they are essential to identity and empowerment so that persons may not remain helpless

We will
Pursue economic and/or business development opportunities on behalf of the Traditional Owners particularly in so far as such pursuit will lead directly to relief of destitution.

+61 (0)7 4066 8300 / communication@girringun.com.au
235 Victoria Street, Bruce Hwy, Cardwell, QLD 4849, Australia